My first usage of a Doofer! |
In Wellington I was staying with another friend I had made at camp, Petrina. A name that seems to be more popular in NZ than in England! For the first time since Christchurch I had a bed and a room. It was really odd to have walls and when I woke up in the morning I couldn’t just be outside by rolling over and opening the door. I hugely appreciated being able to shut the curtains and then be able to sleep after the sun had risen but it was a sudden change and we know how much I love change! My first night in Welly Petrina gave me my first experience of Burger Fuel, it was like seeing the light. It also has the easiest to order online service. And the milkshakes are top notch, we had a lime one and it was delicious. For those that think GBK is the bomb, this is a lot better!
My first day in Wellington I decided to get Sinbad fixed. I called around a few places and found a guy who could get him fixed that day and quickly. I dropped him off and wandered around
My manly beverage |
Wellington. It was the first time that I had voluntarily given away the keys to Sinbad, it was scary and liberating at the same time. I walked down to the harbour and they have a special diving board set up over the water so you can come and jump in safely. Genius. I then spent a few hours in a museum called Te Papa, learning about the history of New Zealand. It was very interesting and I got to see a Giant Squid. It was time for a game of American Football so grabbed some afternoon luncheon and watched the game in a bar that had a sofa in front of the TV. I then received the call from Wayne (the mechanic) saying that Sinbad was fixed and ready to roll. We were whole again, wooo. Petrina called inviting me for a drink at a cool bar called Hangar, based on a plane hanger, strange coincidence.
Petrina was away for the weekend so I had a few options of what to do, so I organised a house party with all of my friends. It was off the chain! I’m hoping Petrina reads this and has a fit before she realises that I don’t have any friends and it was just me on my own. The next day it was a bit overcast and rainy so I sat around for a few hours writing my blog for the other places, ha. Now work out where this blog is written. But once the clouds parted a little I decided on a trip to the zoo.
This is a Sun Bear, cute
but scary! |
I love a good zoo and even though Wellington Zoo isn’t the biggest zoo in the world it packs a punch with a few different styles and animals. The first part is they have an onsite vet surgery with glass windows so they can show the patrons what they are doing and all the work that they need to do. Something like 80% of all their animals get treated in that facility. They seemed to have misplaced their penguins. I always wonder when an enclosure is empty, where do the animals go? Do they have send them back to the wild for a holiday? That would be nice wouldn’t it. Then you don’t feel like you have been conned into believing the animals would be there. So yeah, zoo. I did some awesome timing of visiting, I got to see the Sun Bears get fed, I hadn’t experienced a Sun Bear before but they are really cool. They have a flabby neck so that if they get attacked from behind they can turn around 180 degrees in their skin and fight back. They also have a yellow sun on their chest! After a fun look at the traditional Tigers, Cheetahs, Baboons, Giraffes and Deer I entered the Neighbours zone (this is more of a TV show joke than proximity BTW), dedicated to animals from Australia. There was a Tasmanian Devil, Wallabies, Kangaroos and of course, there was a Dingo! The best part is that you literally walk through them, just hanging around by the side of the path. It was the closest I’ve felt to the animals out of any zoo I’ve been to.
Good job I don't have any babies! PS, this is a Dingo, now laugh! |
Well this is just cute |
All that exciting stuff didn’t even prepare me for the chimps, I watched them for about an hour. They are such interesting creatures, so humanlike in their actions and their interaction. There was a baby baby that just stuck on the mumma chimp, a baby that just played around, a couple of older ones that just hung out and my fave, the chimp that just sat there and picked its arse. I have a disgusting photo that I won’t share with you but will let you picture it, of a chimp with pooey fingers licking them clean. It was disgusting but funny at the same time. No wonder they get ill a lot. A bird was flying around the inside enclosure and flew into a window and fell to the ground, an older chimp picked up said bird and carried it up to the fenced window out to the world. A couple of the younger chimps went along to observe and help. Unfortunately in the process of trying to poke it through the gaps in fence the bird was killed but I think the intention was positive. On a simple symbolic level it was really nice to see the compassion of animals even if the result wasn’t the best.
Family photo |
Red Panda doing Red Panda things |
After that experience I watched as a Red Panda admired the keeper as he took in more food and cleaned up a bit. So chilled out and then followed the keeper around a bit like a dog. I then went to find a Kiwi, they are notoriously hard to find even in a zoo. They live in a blacked out room with one Kiwi on either side and a footpath down the middle. With very limited red lighting you could hear them but couldn’t spot them. Then I spotted one, that it would appear was the easy part. Trying to take a photo of a Kiwi was even harder, for those that don’t know how hard it is to focus in the dark, it is very hard! But I think I kind of succeeded. I had spent so long at the zoo that I was actually ushered out by one of the keepers, you know you’ve had a good day when they are kicking you out, ha.
Ok fine, this is an actual Kiwi |
Told you I saw one! |
For the Sunday I was recommended to go to the Farmer’s Market by a beautiful young lady so thought I
A Farmer's Market |
would give it a go. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, even buying some fruit and veg as instructed, it was good. I even went off script and bought a delicious breakfast for myself. Then I wanted to go up the Cable Car and set off to find the bottom station. This was made very difficult by some roads being closed by guess what? Oh yeah, it was a Christmas Parade. I couldn’t have planned my trip better if I had been wanting to see all of the Christmas Parades in New Zealand. For the record, that wasn’t actually my plan. The road closures led to me trying to do a U-turn on a one way street as I needed to go the other way only to realise that once I was facing into the traffic. After gently nudging a lamppost and going round one loop 3 times I decided to call it a day and have a picnic in the garden.
After American Football Day I joined Petrina and a couple of her friends in a park overlooking the harbour for a picnic. The best part was a slacklining club was practicing in the same park. They had one that must have been 30 metres long, it was impressive seeing someone walk all the way.
Quick visit home |
Prior to departing Wellington the next morning I wanted to succeed in riding the Cable Car but the only way to do this whilst parking was driving to the top and taking the car down. This didn’t make logic to me but hey ho. Having got up there I realised that this still meant I paid for parking but didn’t have to walk to the station, very complicated! But I did it anyway, a beautiful view from the top and a fun experience. After taking the car down and then up again I found out that I could have had a nice walk down through the gardens and then get the Cable Car up. This made what the same beautiful young lady had said make sense. So if you go to Wellington, walk down through the pretty gardens and then get the cable car up.
My plan was to drive up the west coast to Auckland for Christmas. Hmmmm…
Woodie’s Wisdom: If you are having a bad day, don’t try and force it. Things will only get worse!
I wuv wooo |